
What is interactive design?

All this week I collected informations about the interactive design field.

So basically, this is my conclusion about what interactive design really is.


Week's 12 evaluation!

This week we done six small seminars about different areas of design. I really enjoy them all.
This is what I have learned during this week.


Create an installation!

This is our final outcome for the one week's project!

I believe that the presentation that we had prepared actually worked! It was hard, but we worked well as a team, and finally we made this installation to present our research!


the one week project!

Came back from Christmas holidays, and we even had the time to open our suitcases! 

Back to work!!!

Our new project maybe is not long but -for sure- is not easy.

We have to research about a question, answer it, and then find a way to present and visualize our conclusions.

This is me and my group, working together of this project!

When we finish it I'll let you know what we've done!