
Be an animal!

Ana Rajcevic surprised me with her project "ANIMALS". She created a series of masks that represent the anatomy of different animals. I found her work so simple and delicate! She played only with the shapes and the forms, no colors or rank elements. Also, I loved the connection with the human face.

Her comments about her project is this:

"The project is grounded in a unique visual interpretation of animal anatomy, building upon existing skeleton structures to create a series of sculptural pieces that appear as natural properties of the human body, suggesting strength, power and sensuality. Concepts of mutation and evolution are explored in order to develop a contemporary cross-image of human and animal, an atemporal, supreme creature, beyond past and future.

The goal was to fabricate a collection of 8 pieces of personal adornment that would not be specifically categorised as jewellery or accessories. The idea was to step out of the traditional jewellery/accessories context in order to develop a ‘new breed’ of precious objects that can be exhibited both separately on their own and fully attached to the human body.The project is based on a complex and labour-intensive fabrication process to produce a series of sophisticated sculptural shapes that co-relate with the wearer’s head, face and skull. All of the objects were handcrafted creating multi-part master molds, using gelcoat, fiberglass, resin and silicone rubber.The pieces perform a double function: they exist as fashion objects attached to the wearer, as well as separate art works, exhibited in gallery spaces. Because of this dual quality they can be considered fashion artefacts in the true sense: objects of desire, rather than just mere adornments."

fantastic handmade work!

This are some pictures from "Portrait Sculpture" project by Diem Chau that i recently saw. I really liked them and I wanted to show them to you!


new Cyprus air!

I found this piece of publishing design, and I can't say that it really impressed me. It is not bad for sure, but also it is not a piece that I'll always remember. But then I realized  that it was about Cyprus! This fact made me to review my opinion... 

I am from Greece so, really encourage me when I see something nice made from our "cousins". It's not that there is no good-design stuff in our countries, but the "nice-ones" are definitely not a lot. It makes me feel that I am not the only one who wants to improve the aesthetic of the design there. So, I was really happy when I saw it, and I wanted to share it with you!

The Cyprus Dossier is a Cyprus–based intellectual journal with one intention, to initiate frequent cross–disciplinary dialogue on political, social and cultural issues faced by the island’s inhabitants, as diversely and impartially as possible.


My logo for the final project!

I create this logo based on typography.
I plan to use it on the cover of my catalogue and also on covers of the 10x10 extension sets.
By this way, I hope that they will look like more connected.

It is really simple but I don't want to make the audience pay attention to the cover and not to the contain of the book. I just hope that it will work!

10 small handmade books!

I made these small books for one of my 10x10 extensions!
They are all handmade and each one of them has a different type of binding!

After the workshop that I done few days ago, I tried to develop my skills.
I used techniques such as perfect binding, Japanese binding, spiral, binding screw, staple, and other. 


finding my way!

Today I tried something for the first time. I walked all the way down from Liverpool Street to my place and took photos. It was just a long straight street. In every photo you could see a detail on the background and on the next one the detail comes bigger and cleaner.

Then I printed all the photos on tracing paper.

The outcome is like this.


city animals!

This is an other set of the 10x10 extension that I made for "the city" theme project.

The forests, the sea, the sky, even the deserts, host million animals. But which are the animals of a city?
All of us!


sound maps!

Inspired from a workshop that I had recently about sound maps, I done these experiments. 

During the workshop we went out at Elephant and Castle and recorded the sounds. In groups of tow or three people we covered an area. Then, all together we shared our information so everyone has a lot of informations to work with. 

This is what I made.

The symbols represent an other type of sound and the colors the different sound that we heard. 

Also, these are some other versions, based on the same idea.



This is a series of photographs that I took and then edited.
The idea was to point out how much important is the color in the city. Sometimes the color is what make us remember a place. Some other times we realize how strange seems a place with different colors.