
My VCT presentation!

Last week, in Visual Culture Theory, we need to present "our 'experience' of graphic design in Elephant & Castle". That was a chance for me to realise what E&C represents for me.

For my presentation, I choose an elephant sculpture, which is located in frond of E&C Shopping Center.

The reason that I choose it, I think, it is obvious: It is an elephant and a castle!

Furthermore, the sculpture is colourful, big and a little bit old, just like E&C.

Also, it seems personal and accessible to anyone.
(handmade font)

E&C is a buzzy place with 60's style.

And confusing. It is totally a confusing place.

But if you try to focus on one only thing, came easer to understand what is happening.

And when you do that, you always find your way.

In my opinion, in E&C you can see different aspects of London.

But for me, E&C means only one thing: LCC

LCC is the only reason that makes me want to came in E&C.

Our big, colourful, old and buzzy uni!

Colour and Layout exercises.

These are three examples of what we do in our classes!!! I really enjoy when I made them and I want to share it with you.

The tow first are the colour exercises, that I made alone. The third one is a group exercises.

Task for the Layout lesson.

It is fantastic how different patterns you can find under…. your shoes!

These are some examples of different floor patters that I found while I walk around. I organised them depending on their material. The outcome is absolutely interesting… right?

Stone slab








A fish made of... milk!

My mom used to say "do not play with your food"!
I just can't do it! Sorry mom!

This is a drop of milk with some photoshop edit of course. In my opinion, your breakfast can be more enjoyable if you play with your food!


I can see you (part 2)

Few months ago, I took some pictures of my... eyes.
It was a part of a bigger concept, which maybe I will present in another post...



First cropping lesson!

We attented an amazing lesson today! I really loved cropping. I hadn't realized the power of a cropped image until the lesson.

These are some examples of my work today...
(you can see the image as it was, and the cropped image)


I can see you (part 1)

Few months ago, I took some pictures of my... eyes.
It was a part of a bigger concept, which maybe I will present in another post...


shoes drawings

Every girl -who wants to be called a girl- love the shoes.
It is in our nature...

These are some pieces of my work that I had sketch a few months before.

First day at uni

This Tuesday was my first day, of my first year, at my first university.

When I was at home, trying to imagine my first day at uni, I was thinking that would be perfect- and I was sure about this.
Why not? New people, new friends, new places to discover, new lessons...a new adventure!
But it wasn't.

When I crossed the entrance, going up the stairs, I started having a nervous feeling.

I realized that I was totally alone. I was away from my family, from my friends, from my country... I was away from everything I had known.

Although, everyone I met that day was really friendly and kind, both tutors and students.
They made me feel comfortable and welcome.

The lessons that we attended were truly interesting. We learned about blogging. I had no idea of how useful and funny could be (because I never had a blog before). The first touch with blogging was difficult for me , but I always hope for better days...