
My VCT presentation!

Last week, in Visual Culture Theory, we need to present "our 'experience' of graphic design in Elephant & Castle". That was a chance for me to realise what E&C represents for me.

For my presentation, I choose an elephant sculpture, which is located in frond of E&C Shopping Center.

The reason that I choose it, I think, it is obvious: It is an elephant and a castle!

Furthermore, the sculpture is colourful, big and a little bit old, just like E&C.

Also, it seems personal and accessible to anyone.
(handmade font)

E&C is a buzzy place with 60's style.

And confusing. It is totally a confusing place.

But if you try to focus on one only thing, came easer to understand what is happening.

And when you do that, you always find your way.

In my opinion, in E&C you can see different aspects of London.

But for me, E&C means only one thing: LCC

LCC is the only reason that makes me want to came in E&C.

Our big, colourful, old and buzzy uni!

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